Ecto-Cooler! Just hearing the name gives people of my generation smiles. That is how great this green drink of the gods is. Every kid remembers having the drink box if awesomeness in his lunch during school. It ruled not only for its Ghostbusters tie-in but for its crazy green color and kick ass taste! For this weeks Website to View Instead of Work I found an amazing in depth article abourt what happened to Ecto-cooler. http://www.x-entertainment.com/articles/0822/ It gives a short history of this amazing drink and then starts you down a path on what happened to it. Unfortuately this article is outdated (2003) and the answer it gives us to the million dollar question, what happened to Ecto Cooler, is also out of production. Oh by the way the answer is Crazy Citrus Cooler and in 2007 it was kanked out of production. Still it is a good read to bring you down memory lane and a good place to start for hunting down remaining stocks of this beverage of the ages. If anyone finds any information regarding Ecto-Cooler or its repackaged form, Crazy Citrus Cooler, please shed some light and inform me of your progress. From one fan to another, please let me know.
Aside from the horrible quality images this article is well written and researched. It does a good job of motovating the reader into searching for their own stash of green heaven drink boxes. Although it is a fast read, I count it as a spring board into flurry of different sites for research. That is why I give this site a 4 out of 8 work hours wasted.
After my time, but I envy your generation for having cartoon-themed drinks. I never watched The Real Ghostbusters cartoon either. I would have loved a Thundarr the Barbarian blood drink.