This weeks entry of websites to view instead of work is the Video Game Lies wiki, found at . I found this website while perusing around
kotaku. This little gem is dedicated to one of the cornerstones of playground bragging the video game lie. Like the
wiki's opening sentence states, we all knew someone who claimed to have done something that was so secret, so awesome that only they and a few others in the world have done it. One of those almost always being the older brother / cousin of course, having been the person who passed down this knowledge onto them. Examples of this from my childhood were jumping over the flag in Super Mario Brothers took you to a warp zone someplace cool and impregnating
Sindel in MK3 as a finishing move. Ah, memories of growing up in the early 90's I do miss those halcyon days.
This wiki is thin on content, I'm assuming because it is young. However, what it lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality. There are a few lies in here that I remember from way back when. The creators poses the question of whether the lies come out of a desire to trick people or merely look cool to others? All in all I find this site to be most informative about a common place but rarely spoken of
phenomenon in video game culture. This site has great potential and it being a wiki makes adding your own stories of lies even easier.
I give it a 5 of 8 work hours wasted.
This goes way back... I remember being told that on high levels in Pac-Man, the tunnels took you to secret new places and other B.S. :)
ReplyDeleteIt is true that the walls disappear though.