Well, well, well look at this,I am blogging once again. Hopefully this will actually stick around as opposed to my LJ which had its peaks and valleys until its ultimate demise of me not caring about it. I guess I should start some sort of goal for this blog in order to keep my attention. I think it is going to start out as random thoughts, my opinion on what music I am listening to, on what TV/movies I am watching, and the like.
Lately, I have been bringing my ipod to work as opposed to leaving it in the car. This has caused me to accomplish a good amount of the goals I have set for my ipod. Complete discographies are falling by the wayside as my listening pace increases each day. Maybe one day I will have "run the taps" on my Ipod and have listened to all the mp3s on it! (Fat chance I have a lot). A few thoughts on what I have been listening to will fall here as well as maybe a review or too.
I have been on a fitness kick the past month. I resolved myself to lose the small keg manifesting in my stomach as well as get back into the shape I was in when I was with the Marines during the time I actually cared about it. I have to say I am surprising myself with my progress. Normally I get an idea in my head that I want to do x. I usually start off OK and a few days later I start to make excuses as to why I can't do x today, and eventually it just fizzles out completely. All this takes place within the span of 1-2 weeks. However, this time is completely different. I actually want to do good. I cannot wait to do my exercises each day and genuinely enjoy the feeling of pain and tightness that follows the session. I thought it would be a giant feat for me to eat healthy and stick to it, on the contrary, it has been completely easy for me to switch. It has gotten to the point that on the weekends when I am allowing myself to drink hooch and eat garbage food I get upset about it( the eating not the drinking). Each week I have been kicking it up a notch and trying new routines. I essentially try to go to the track and run every other weekday, i.e. mon, wed, fri. Tuesdays I started going to a martial arts class because it is a good total body workout and it teaches me new fight/defensive techniques. This may not seem like a revelation but ask my friends and they will tell you that this is a new me. I had a simple goal set for my fitness routine: Lose beer belly and body fat in time for april/may (start of pool and outdoor season). Get to the point of when I take my shirt off to go in the pool people will say damn he looks a lot better than last year.I started out at 180# and have currently lost a net total of 6#. My target weight is to get around 165 and tone what muscle I have. Wow, that is the most I think I have ever written about fitness in my life,ha!
I have a Netflix account and a broad taste in movie/tv so you can expect to get some random diatriabe about why I particularly enjoy some romance themed anime or action packed space oprea.
Also, I am a horrible speller and I think I fall prey to the comma disease so if there are grammer and spelling errors sorry in advance.
GASP! Almost forgot here are your parting words from me, in video form :
This thing is incredible! Check out the other monstrous things it grinds up.
What Would Aragorn Do?
14 years ago
Welcome to the blogosphericalness!
ReplyDeleteLookin sharp. Add a blog list (with me in it of course)
PS I want to hear your philosophical ramblings on the deep meanings of Judas Priest songs.